
药学院校友聚焦| XULA COP

Xavier University of Louisiana 药学院 校友关注

Xavier University 药学院 equips graduates to become more than just pharmacists. 我们的校友是倡导者, 教育工作者和卫生公平的拥护者, working to reduce disparities and prioritize patient-centered care. This alumni spotlight tells one of our graduates’ success stories.

校友焦点:认识博士. 鲍比LeDuff

新奥尔良人博士. 鲍比LeDuff earned his undergraduate degree in biology at Xavier University of Louisiana in 2016 before going on to graduate from the 药学院 with a 制药.D. in 2021.

To learn about research methods and participate in hands-on research opportunities as a student, Dr. LeDuff是一名研究学者 卓越中心 他在药学院学习期间参加了一个项目. His work centered on pharmacy practice and health care professionals’ perception and knowledge of pharmacists’ capabilities.

He was also an active member of several Xavier University pharmacy organizations for students, 还有社区活动, 担任各种领导职务.

XULA 药学院 Stands Out for Accessible 教师

药学院 staff, faculty, and administrators were there for Dr. 当他需要他们的时候. With open-door policies, he was able to approach faculty with questions and receive support. “教师 are also great about responding to email and meeting virtually,他解释道.



选择合适的药学院, you’re looking not only for experiences like small classes, hands-on research opportunities and support through tutoring and career fairs, 但也有声誉和学术严谨性等因素.

Dr. LeDuff shares three reasons he chose Xavier University pharmacy school.
1. Competitive Historically Black 大学 and University (HBCU)+-
Dr. 勒达夫家族与澳门新葡京博彩大学的渊源, 天主教HBCU, runs deep—dating back to his great aunt and father’s godmother, 谁获得了教育学学位. She received her first teaching assignment at Corpus Christi from St. 凯瑟琳•德雷克塞尔. Since then, several other family members have graduated from XULA. “My heart was set on going to Xavier University from childhood,” Dr. LeDuff说. “I knew from a young age that I wanted to work in health care. I helped my grandmother with her medications in the morning, and that piqued my interest in drugs and how they worked.”
2. 恒星的声誉+-
Dr. LeDuff was looking for an education that could prepare him to serve his community and graduate ready for leadership and 服务 roles, and he knew that XULA had a reputation for producing excellence. Our pharmacy school is one of the top producers of African American Doctor of 制药acy degree holders in the United States and is accredited by the 认证 Council for 制药acy Education (ACPE).
3. 知识+实践技能+-
Dr. 勒达夫相信这一点, 作为药物专家, pharmacists are the industry’s most accessible health care providers. 他想建立信心, expertise and skills that would allow him to work on a team dedicated to bridging the gap between providers and patients.




Xavier University is the country’s only Catholic HBCU, 从一开始就建立在多样性和包容性的基础上. 这是一个获得药学博士学位的特殊地方.


“Being a student in the Xavier University 药学院 is an experience like no other,博士描述道。. LeDuff. “对我来说, there’s a strong sense of community within your cohort as you all go through ‘the struggle’ of Xavier University pharmacy curriculum together.”

Dr. LeDuff说 joining the Xavier University pharmacy community as a student makes you part of a “pharmily” that works together and grows together.


It’s never about numbers here — it’s about individuals and relationships. You have the opportunity to connect with not only students but also the pharmacy community, 教授, 还有可以成为你导师的员工, 朋友, 和顾问.

制药acy students also get to explore learning and experiences outside the classroom through more than 25 organizations that help you bond with others who share your interests and goals.

Learn more about earning a Doctor of 制药acy at Xavier.


From 制药acy School Student to Clinical 工作人员 制药acist & 研究员

今天,博士. LeDuff works as a clinical staff pharmacist for ambulatory care and health equity. He was also a clinical pharmacy education fellow at Xavier University 药学院.

临床药学教育奖学金 is a new postgraduate training program offered to pharmacy professionals who have a strong interest in pursuing a career in clinical academic pharmacy. “的 program focuses on how to balance the four areas of academia: teaching, 奖学金, 服务, 和同僚合作,他解释道.

Dr. LeDuff说 that earning a 制药D at Xavier University pharmacy school prepared him for this role in several ways.


He;s equipped with the knowledge and resources needed to work closely with the fellowship program director and coordinators to mold the program as it gears up for future fellows.
Dr. LeDuff was looking for an education that could prepare him to serve his community and graduate ready for leadership and 服务 roles, and he knew that XULA had a reputation for producing excellence. Our pharmacy school is one of the top producers of African American Doctor of 制药acy degree holders in the United States and is accredited by the 认证 Council for 制药acy Education (ACPE).
从药学院毕业后,Dr. LeDuff completed a pharmacy residency at the University of Minnesota 药学院 - Essentia Health with a focus in ambulatory care and chronic disease state management. He was able to share these experiences with future pharmacists through his academia fellowship in clinical pharmacy education.